EAI - What is it?

Over the next years, 3 million workers will be supervised by "robot-bosses". 
How does this make you feel?

If this sounds alarming, I welcome you to join me on my journey. In this blog, I will explore and share my knowledge and findings of emotional artificial intelligence (EAI). 

To better understand the EAI concept, I will start by asking the following: do we have an analytical or social interaction with machines? If you answered analytical - you would have been correct up until now. This is due to the fact that systems and devices could not interpret our expressions and body language. 

Now, this has totally changed and social interactions with machines are possible. EAI, also known as affective computing, permits machines to recognize human emotions through the identification of voice inflections and micro expressions. Having a machine that understands, captures, and reacts to emotions increases the effectiveness of the interchange, creating positive outcomes to individuals in both their professional and personal life.

Emotions and technology, believe it or not, are now related.

In this blog I will explore possible business applications and show you how EAI can benefit companies and create better products or user experiences.


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