AI agricultural killer or healer?

A better agriculture thanks to AI? 

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AI killer or healer? 

For thousands of year, men have been relying on agriculture to live, which has proved to be risky, as it relies on things we cannot control (weather, wars, political situation, etc.).   
What if AI could help us increase agriculture's returns and improve it's reliability?   
AI computers can process billions of data points and turn them into a coherent set of information, which will help them predict future behaviours or probability that an event happens.   
In farms, these data points are produced daily but not taken into account by farmers because it is too much. With AI, farmers could deal with- and analyse a wide variety of data in real-time, such as weather, temperature, water usage, and soil condition. All this data directly collected from their own farm to adequately inform their decisions.  

1- How AI can help with pest control 

A company called Agrosmart is developing a technology that will help farmers to use the right amount of agrochemical at the right time to combat pests more effectively. 
Led by agronomist Marcus Vinicius Sato, "The project entails using artificial intelligence to identify and quantify insects". The farmers will be able to use pheromones attracting insects to strategically disseminated traps equipped with sensors in the plantation. The sensors, connected to electronic systems, will transmit the data to an internet server, where images will be treated and insects will be identified. The farmer then receives a report on this data via a smartphone or tablet and depending on the number of insects per square meter, agrochemicals may or may not be used.  

2- How AI can improve your crops yields

Precision Agriculture (PA) is an agricultural management style using AI systems to improve harvest quality and accuracy. PA uses AI to help in detecting diseases, poor nutrition or bad sun exposition in plants. AI sensors can detect and target weeds and decide which herbicides to apply within the right amount.

Also, farmers use PA to improve agricultural accuracy by creating probabilistic models for seasonal forecasting. Such models can look several months ahead and use previously collected data to provide farmers with actual predictions concerning the best crop varieties for the season, ideal seeding times and locations. Agricultural AI technologies can then optimize farm administration by basing choices on prognosticated weather during the coming season.

If you want to dig deeper and find out more, check out this video on how AI will revolutionise the agricultural industry.  
Fake news or incredible one? 

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